OCSS Committee & Duties

The Committee consists of the Officers (President, Secretary and Treasurer) and 5-8 other members. All are elected annually at the General Meeting. One member of the Committee, other than the officers, shall stand down each year.

The Regulations do not define Committee roles other than “managing the affairs of the Society” and the Treasurer producing annual accounts. Actual roles vary over time relating to the activities of the Society and skill set / interest of Committee members, but this document summarises current practice as of 2024.

The Committee traditionally meets two times a year: January and July (currently the second Monday of the month). With the current schedule (elections in July, Generations, AGM and dinner in October), the July meeting is the most significant.

President (typically in post for 3 years)

  1. Chairing Committee Meetings (although in his / her absence another may be elected to chair the meeting).
  2. Chairing the General Meeting (although in his / her absence another may be elected to chair the meeting).
  3. General oversight of the Society and ensuring the Committee manages the affairs of the Society.
  4. Looking after the Presidential chain & wearing it at the Annual Dinner.
  5. Looking after the Loving Cup.


  1. Arranging, calling and minuting Committee Meetings, including circulating the agenda and accompanying papers beforehand and appropriately chasing input / actions from Committee members.
  2. Arranging, calling and minuting the General Meeting, including circulating the agenda and accompanying papers beforehand (and having copies at the meeting) and appropriately chasing input / actions from members.
  3. Communicating to members by sending out e-mail newsletters as & when required (c. 3-4 times a year). Liaising with the webmaster to get items on the website.Arranging for nomination of new members (typically via the University reps) for the July Committee Meeting and circulating the list, with full details, (and a copy of the guidelines for election) before the meeting. Inviting those elected to become members and chasing for a response within an agreed time limit – stated as end of October, but extended to end of year.Maintaining the membership databases (one of current members and one of all members, recording those who have failed to respond to contact attempts, deaths etc).
  4. Liaising with the Society organisers of the matches v. Itchenor SC & Norfolk Broads YC to ensure the matches are in the calendar and communicated to members.


  1. Maintaining the Society’s financial records and bank accounts.
  2. Producing a set of annual accounts for presentation to the Committee in early September and then the AGM in early October.
  3. Stocking and selling the Club’s regalia as felt to be required by the Committee (currently we have burgees).

Other Roles

The following roles are taken from time-to-time by different people, who may, or may not, be Officers or even members of the Committee (although typically they are).


  1. Maintaining the club’s website.

Port Co-ordinator

  1. Pro-actively managing the Society’s stock of port to ensure adequate supply for consumption by current and future generations at the Annual Dinner, making recommendations of purchases and sales to the Committee for approval.
  2. Organising storage of the Society’s port, keeping records of it and communicating this to the Committee.
  3. Maintaining a drinking plan, recommending the port to be served at each dinner and arranging its delivery.

Investment Co-ordinator

  1. Pro-actively managing the Society’s investment portfolio to ensure that the Society’s investment objectives are met, making recommendations on any changes to the Committee for approval.
  2. Maintaining records of the investments and their performance.
  3. Liaising with the Treasurer so that investment information is included in the Accounts.

Generations Co-ordinator

  1. Selecting the date at the start of the year, in conjunction with the OUYC and OSC.
  2. Liaising with potential team captains to identify teams that will be attending.
  3. Ensuring sufficient boats and facilities (including umpires if deemed appropriate) are made available for the day.
  4. Budgeting for the event to, at least, break even through an entry fee to pay for OSC charges.
  5. Designing the format of the competition and producing required paperwork.
  6. Running the competition on the day.
  7. Arranging the dinner (in conjunction with other members of the Committee), including setting the price and taking orders.

University Reps

  1. Keeping in touch with current university sailors so able to propose membership candidates in advance of the July Committee Meeting (typically starting the process immediately after BUSA).
  2. Helping the Secretary to contact and encourage those elected to join the Society, including if they are at Generations.

Revised July 2024

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