OCSS Investment & Port Strategy Statement

Investment Strategy Statement

  • The principle longer-term objective for investments is income generation with medium volatility risk.
  • Diversification is a high priority, across both asset classes and geographies.
  • Equity funds should provide a high degree of geographical diversification and higher than average dividend yields.
  • Fixed income funds should provide a good diversification across credit worthiness, interest rate risk, and inflation risk.
  • Alternative investments should be income-generating, and offer good liquidity.
  • Annual management charges should be considered carefully, and kept to a minimum where possible.
  • The total number of collective funds invested should be kept to a minimum in order to reduce dealing and transaction costs.
  • Any cash accumulated within the investment account should be paid away for club expenses, or reinvested periodically.

Updated: February 2024

Port Strategy Statement

  • The aim is to ensure that the Club holds sufficient vintage port to be drunk at the Club’s annual dinners for the next 10-20 years.
  • A drinking plan will be maintained to indicate which vintages will be drunk each year.
  • When required, with the approval of the committee, some of the stock may be sold (either on the open market or to members) or bought to maintain a level and type of stock to achieve these aims.

Updated: July 2024

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