
The current O&CSS programme encompasses the events set out below. Where further details are relevant they will have been circulated by email.

Sunday 4 June: Itchenor Swallow Team Racing

If you are keen to participate in this event, please get in touch with Greg Sale.

Thursday 23rd June: Drinks Party 6:30pm- Fastnet Room, RORC, London

Sunday 25 September: Lymington Scow Inter-Club Challenge (Lymington)

Contact Jeremy Vines if you are interested in this fixture – it is a series of club fleet races rather than a team racing event.

2024: 107th Varsity Match, Lymington

Detailed arrangements for the Varsity Match Dinner will be announced in due course.

Mid-September 2024: NBYC Match (Wroxham)

Date TBC. Please contact Greg Sale if you would like to take part in this excellent fixture.

5 October 2024: Generations Event (Farmoor)

See the Team Racing page for details. Note: Hugh Tomkins will be the new Generations organiser from 2024 – we thank Ben for all his help over recent years!

5 October 2024: Following Generations Event: AGM (Oxford)

TBC – 2025: Itchenor Match (Swallows)

Photo of yacht sailing
George Harston and Ed Clay relax in the sunshine during the NBYC match on Wroxham Broad

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